TARZAN is a Homebrew MicroVAX II.


This web site is hosted on a computer introduced in 1985. It is likely the oldest computer you have ever visited on the Internet.


This HTML page resides on a real MicroVAX II called TARZAN, which is running the WASD HTTP server.
TARZAN is one of very few, or maybe the only MicroVAX II, on the Internet.

Read all about TARZAN’s construction here.

What is a MicroVAX II anyway? Read about it here. You can also check out my MicroVAX II Museum.

There is also a collection of MicroVAX II facts and anecdotes, some are interesting.

Here you can find a summary of things you need to know if you have a MicroVAX II and want to get it going, or if you want to resurrect one.

And here you can find a couple of MicroVAX II historic photos.

Updated OCT-2020: An experimental web cam has been set up! Every hour, the MicroVAX II takes a 640x480 snapshot from a HikVision DS-2CD2D14WD IP Camera, you can see it here:




Updated MAY-2021:
JANE is finally here! Another homebrew MicroVAX II, someone to accompany TARZAN.
Below is a photo of JANE, you can read all about her here.

Jane The MicroVAX II